Monday, July 31, 2006

Puppy Pirate

This weekend our Stardock all the boat owners had a party. (Mostly, it was Mayor Ted's party, but we invited a few friends too.) Because we dock on a star, we have to row or paddle out to our boat. Formerly, this was accomplished by my husband in our one man kayak, while I waited on the dock with Kosmo and our boating guests. Now, as long as there are 3 people and 1 dog or less, we can all row out together in our 8 foot dinghy! Yeah!

That’s what Scott, our friend John, Kosmo, and I started out doing Saturday afternoon.

If you have never been to Belmont harbor, then you need to know that there is a little dog beach on the northwest end of the harbor where local dog owners take their dogs to run around and cool off on hot days. Krazemo and I used to hang out there while Scott would row out, but now that we have the dinghy, not so much.

Also, if you dont know my dog, you need to know that he hates the water. When we take him to the beach, he refuses to go in the water if he can't stand up - which means he won't go in past a foot and a half deep. I blame this on the rude way he was introduced to swimming when he was younger, but it could also be becuase he is part besenji.

When Scott, John and I shoved off with puppy, our couse took us right by the dog beach. My littly doggie was so upset that he was not on the dog beach. He sat on my lap, barking at the dogs on the beach. I could feel the tension in his back legs, like we wanted to run off and play....and thats what he did! He JUMPED off the boat and started swimming to shore! The dog owners on the beach got a kick out of it.

But then, about half way there, he turned around and started swimming back to the dinghy! I dont know if he was confused, hated beeing wet, or just wanted his mommy, but the beach party dog in him won out, becuase he flipped around AGAIN and made it to shore. Immediatly, he went around and started making friends.

Scott and John, who was a good sport about it all, rowed to the shore of the dog beach, and a wet stinky Kosmo jumped back in the dinghy and on to my lap.

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